Harry Potter Book Night Barcelona: Dates and times

Time to dust off your wand, cape, and broom. All wizards are summoned to come out of hiding, in full view of ‘muggles’ (the name given to all ordinary people without powers). This week the ‘Harry Potter Book Night‘, the annual event that can only be defined as a love letter to the magical universe created by JK Rowling.

The first edition was born in the United Kingdom, in 2014, promoted by the British publisher Bloomsbury, to encourage reading through the saga. It grew in popularity to the point that what started as a book club ended up becoming a world magnitude eventheld in dozens of countries, which was more of a magical theatrical convention than a literary event.

The last ‘Harry Potter Book Night‘ from Barcelona brought together 8,000 fans of the saga, and this year, coinciding with the 25th anniversary of the premiere of the first film, promises to be just as massive. With the theme of magical journeys (one of the topics extensively covered in the new episode of the saga, ‘Fantastic Animals: Dumbledore’s Secrets’, which will be released this 2022), on the 4th, 5th, 10th, 11th and 12th of February, the Galeries Maldà (Portaferrissa, 22), the new nucleus of Barcelona’s ‘geek’ culture, will host small one-hour shows that mix magic, entertainment, fun and, obviously, reading.

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In addition, also in Maldà, you can visit the first Harry Potter store in Spain, Carrero Maldago. 200 square meters full of magical ‘merchandising’. Perfect for getting ready for the wizard convention.


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