Happy birthday to David Lynch. The birth chart of a Capricorn who rules nightmares and fears

David Lynch was born in Missoula (USA) on January 20, 1946 (photo Getty Images).

D.avid Lynch he is a solid Capricorn shaken by the shadows of the Scorpio ascendant that have been moving towards him since he was a child as “a dream of dark and tangled things”. A kind of ancestral call to unravel unconscious fears, with the help of the realistic and detached gaze of his sign.

It is not easy to manage the dichotomy between rationality and pathos, especially if in the horoscope you are faced with the harsh opposition between the Sun in Capricorn and Saturn and Mars in Cancer, an emotional scream that demands to be heard.

But Lynch is not discouraged and when he was only 15 he began to paint dark traces of his torment on a white canvas, giving voice to the messages of the unconscious.

Over the years, painting becomes a cinematic passion. His first feature film The mind that clears he moves between nightmares and macabre restlessness and imposes him as a representative of the avant-garde.

It will be the Scorpio ascendant who will do the work of psychological reflections, while the Sun and Venus in the house of communication change the shadows into creativity, which in 1980 consecrates him to success thanks to the film Elephant man.

The Moon in Virgo it is the spokesperson of transcendental meditation, an indispensable discipline for moving among infinite suggestions. That it will allow him to translate the flow of his disturbances on the screen, without losing touch with reality.

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