Hamburger SV: Again unrest in the Volkspark: HSV supervisory board election postponed

Status: 02/02/2023 8:15 p.m

The general meeting of HSV Fußball AG ended on Thursday after “controversial discussions” without a result. The dispute over the replacement of the supervisory board of the second division soccer team is mainly about the chairman Marcell Jansen and board member Detlef Dinsel.

In the Volkspark there is once again a standstill – at least in the management floor. While everything is going according to plan on the pitch and victories such as against Eintracht Braunschweig are being achieved in the promotion race, there is no common denominator in the business premises of the Volksparkstadion.

“We had a lot of controversial discussions, which should ultimately lead to a positive result for HSV,” said eV President and Chairman of the Supervisory Board Marcell Jansen in the club’s statement on Thursday evening.

The next meeting should take place “soon”.

With regard to the recently much-discussed replacement of the Supervisory Board, the shareholders have agreed to hold further internal discussions on the selection of candidates, it said. Thus, the current supervisory body with Dr. Andreas C. Peters, Detlef Dinsel, Markus Frömming, Michael Papenfuss, Dr. Hans-Walter Peters, Lena Schrum and Jansen in office until the next general meeting, which is to take place “soon”. “I see this decision as a good compromise because we are approaching each other,” said Jansen.

Chairman of the Supervisory Board Jansen is fighting for his office

It is doubtful whether this is really the case. Ex-professional Jansen, whom the AG shareholders around billionaire Klaus-Michael Kühne had recently withdrawn from trust, is considered largely isolated in the management floor. His position as chairman of the board is up for debate. Kühne, whose 120 million euro offer to the club is still pending, had openly demanded Jansen’s dismissal. Nevertheless, the 37-year-old eV president survived a motion to vote out at the most recent general meeting.

Panel member Dinsel as a point of contention

Another point of contention is Detlef Dinsel. According to media reports, the shareholders and the Supporters Club, by far the largest department of the parent association, had demanded the dismissal of the supervisory board member before the meeting. They accuse the entrepreneur of too little connection to Hamburg and HSV and too little expertise. To this end, Stephan von Bülow and Henrik Köncke should move into the supervisory body to replace Peters and the currently only woman, Schrum.

Maybe just a faux pas, but in the official announcement from HSV on Thursday evening, the name Detlef Dinsel of all people was missing from the list of committee members who are still responsible.

However, the club was able to announce two concrete results: The AG board with Jonas Boldt (sport) and Eric Huwer (finance) was relieved for the 2021/22 financial year and the topic of sustainability is to be anchored in the AG statutes.

In order to set the course for the future in the Volkspark, however, other personnel decisions are required.

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Sports | 03.02.2023 | 09:00 a.m
