Half-happy Italian: “We have to grow. The welcome? I’m not that person “

The words of the post-match coach: “Happy for Sofy’s goal, but certain mistakes must be avoided. We are competitive even without Vlahovic”

These are the words of Vincenzo Italiano in the post-race Sky:

“Dreaming? It is legitimate to do so, but at the moment we are not able to be continuous even during the matches. We have to look for that. The ranking is beautiful, but the championship is still long and we have to grow. Today we had an excellent race, created a lot and allowed only 2 shots. It was right to win and the goal rewards Sofy who had made a great performance, stained by the error. I would have pulled his ears because in that situation he has to perceive the danger and unload to the goalkeeper, but then he remedied with a goal. Even Duncan could have come out in closing. The welcome of the Peak? I’m not that person they tried to label me, I apologized for my wrong communication. I am convinced that I will grow up after this experience, but I repeat: That person. Scoring chances? We wasted the last pass a few times, we created a lot against a team that had just returned from a positive period. Odriozola? Since he arrived he has changed a lot, h to become familiar with the environment and have fun. He has an incredible engine, runs 90 ‘without fatigue and is growing rapidly. Piatek and Cabral? Piatek arrived first and is ahead, he also knows the championship. Arthur is young and has quality, but he needs time and the same goes for Ikonè. Vlahovic’s farewell? I am convinced that this team will continue to propose and grind the game. We made a false step against Lazio, but we left on time by winning two difficult games. We just have to try to have more continuity to aim for something more important “.


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