Greenpeace: “Study that warns of blackouts is pure scaremongering” | Inland

Greenpeace Belgium calls the study by the University of Antwerp, which warns against blackouts during a nuclear exit, “pure scaremongering”. That is what the environmental organization says in a response today. High-voltage grid operator Elia said earlier in the day that the study was “too brief”.

The study warns of possible frequent blackouts, price increases and more CO2 emissions in the event of a complete or partial nuclear phase-out. “The nuclear exit is feasible, affordable and in the meantime also inevitable”, says Jan Vande Putte, Energy expert at Greenpeace Belgium. “That is the conclusion of many extensive studies that have been published in recent months. We therefore hope that this will not distract the federal government from the important decision on the table.”

Greenpeace denounces that the study by the University of Antwerp makes a scenario “on the basis of keeping the seven reactors open, while this is not the case”. “After all, the discussion about the nuclear phase-out only revolves around the extension of the two youngest reactors.

In addition, the scenarios for the next ten or twenty years do not take into account the further cost reduction of renewable energy and their further expansion. Finally, wind and sun do not stand a chance in the model used, because not all flexibility options are considered, only very expensive energy storage,” according to Greenpeace Belgium.

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