Green pass, 3 million certificates checked in 20 days. 220 people reported face up to 18 months of arrest

Police alert on New Year’s Eve. Absolute no to parties in the square or in the streets. Targeted checks in all places at risk. The Ministry of the Interior, led by Luciana Lamorgese, urges the prefects in the area. He sent a circular from the head of the cabinet, Bruno Frattasi, also sent to all the Quaestors by the secretariat of the Public Security Department headed by Lamberto Giannini. “Targeted intensification of control devices” is the necessity of these “holidays and days before holidays”. There will be, indeed there already are, crowded places. The data of the Interior Ministry on the checks already carried out tell of fines, sanctions and the risk even of arrest.

Checks from 6 December

All the prefects are sending the daily and weekly statistics on actions to combat the irregularities of the Covid-19 regulations to the Ministry of the Interior from 6 December. As requested by the Prime Minister, Mario Draghi, with a massive action even more so with the introduction of the green pass and the super green pass. The green certificates checked up to 28 December are 2,843,666, on average over 120 thousand per day. The fines flocked amounted to 9,578. The number of fines imposed for irregularities or lack of use of masks is even higher: for now we are at 26,098 cases. But the extended obligation in public could make this figure even higher.

300 clubs and businesses already closed

The numbers of the investigations of the police forces also concern public businesses and activities. The checks so far have involved 120,105 and the sanctions have been applied in a large number of cases, until December 28 the total was 4,523 owners subject to a fine. Up to reaching closure in extreme cases: so far arranged for 292 between exercises and activities. The final figure of the daily reports of the Interior Ministry indicates the number of subjects reported for “non-compliance with the prohibition of mobility from their home or residence for people in quarantine because they tested positive for the virus”. There are 220 so far and they risk big: arrest from 3 months to 18 months and a fine from 500 to 5 thousand euros


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