Green goddess? “Real test” for Vettel and Aston Martin

Gaydon (AP) – Sebastian Vettel looked at his new Formula 1 company car with sparkling eyes. The four-time world champion can’t wait to start his Formula 1 future with Aston Martin.

“I think our car looks good. But what’s fastest is always nice,” said Vettel at the presentation of the AMR22. “It definitely looks different, it has something futuristic.”

Vettel likes his classic green painted racing car. But is it fast? This question occupies all Formula 1 teams after the rule revolution with a revised aerodynamic concept and wider 18-inch wheels. “We hope that we are in much better shape than last year. This time we were able to further develop the car,” explained the Hessian.

Vettel hopes to leap forward

After twelfth place in the drivers’ standings and seventh in the team standings, Vettel is hoping for a powerful leap forward in 2021. “Ideally, the challenge is to fight for wins and podiums,” said the 34-year-old. “This year will be a real test for us.”

The AMR22 experienced a performance test on Friday. Unofficial test drives are scheduled for February 23-25 ​​in Barcelona before the benchmark in Bahrain from March 10-12. On March 20th, the record season of planned 23 races will be heralded with the first Grand Prix in the desert.

“You’re a bit more relaxed because you know what you have to do,” said veteran Vettel, who made his Formula 1 debut in the United States in 2007. “Overall, you have a little more calm and confidence before you start,” emphasized Vettel, who is currently wearing his hair a little longer than usual and with a variant of the mushroom head look is reminiscent of his music idols from the “Beatles”. .

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But Vettel looks forward. The new cars mean a new era for Vettel & Co. “The biggest challenge as a driver will be getting used to the car,” said the man from Heppenheim. “Right now I have no expectations. You look at the car but you don’t know what’s wrong and what’s right.”

The question also applies to the personnel changes at Aston Martin. Otmar Szafnauer left the traditional British racing team in winter to be replaced by Mike Krack as team manager. Vettel still knows him from the BMW-Sauber days together. “He’s a great guy and has a great attitude,” said Vettel.

Aston Martin with “five-year plan”

The route is clearly set out by team co-owner Lawrence Stroll, whose son Lance drives alongside Vettel. “We have a five-year plan to climb further up and reach the summit,” said the Canadian.

Vettel does not yet have the traditional nickname for his new car. “We first have to get a feel for the car,” explained Vettel, who always christens his cars with his mechanics before the first Grand Prix. In 2021 his company car listened to “Honey Ryder” – like the first Bond girl from the 007 classic “James Bond chases Dr. No”.

What will happen to Vettel in Formula 1 beyond 2022? You will see. After retiring from Ferrari, which hailed every car as a red-painted goddess, he had signed a contract with Aston Martin through 2021. Details remained open. “I’m primarily interested in winning,” assured Vettel. That will determine his future path.


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