Grand coalition with Mona Keijzer as the face wants to get rid of the corona pass

Grand coalition with Mona Keijzer as the face wants to get rid of the corona pass

Former State Secretary Mona Keijzer of the CDA has started a coalition with two more initiators that is fighting for the abolition of the corona ticket. The damage it would cause “is disproportionate to any public health benefits,” they say.

Ex-politicians, doctors, lawyers, entrepreneurs and scientists have signed the manifesto. Among them are the former MPs Joël Voordewind (ChristenUnie), Marianne Thieme (Party for the Animals) and Michel Rog (CDA), as well as professor Jan Rotmans, comedian Guido Weijers, top man Ritty van Straalen (ID&T Group), directors Dick Maas and Martin Koolhoven and pastor Paul Visser.

The coalition called Undistributed Open in no way thinks it is a good idea to work with corona tickets, whether that is based on 1G, 2G or 3G. “Now that it becomes clear that this coronavirus will also become endemic, corona tickets should not be given a place in the ‘toolbox’ of a free democracy. We call on the government and parliament to abolish corona tickets with immediate effect,” the initiators write.

A petition the group opened online attracted more than 20,000 signatures on Friday.

Keijzer was fired as State Secretary in September, after she had expressed herself extremely critical about the corona pass in an interview with De Telegraaf.


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