Glennis Grace still stuck in cell after two nights

Glennis Grace still stuck in cell after two nights

Glennis Grace has spent her second night at the Amsterdam police station. On Saturday, the 43-year-old singer was arrested in Amsterdam on suspicion of, among other things, assault in a supermarket. A police spokesman has not formally confirmed the identity, but Glennis Grace’s lawyer, Kerem Canatan, said on Sunday evening that it was the singer.

On Saturday, Glenda Batta, as the singer’s full name is, and her son were arrested after an alleged fight in a supermarket. Her lawyer has confirmed that the singer pushed an employee, but that she does not recognize herself in the accusations that she has kicked and punched.

The singer is said to have gone to the supermarket after her 15-year-old son came home injured after an argument in the store in question. Grace wanted to talk to the employees, but she was laughed at, according to her lawyer, on which she would have pushed an employee.


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