Giovanna Mezzogiorno presents Unfitting: Insults for 20 kilos

«SYes, I gained a lot of weight during pregnancy. I was pregnant with twins and gained 20 kilos”. Giovanna Mezzogiorno it doesn’t go around it. Because this is the life story of her inspiration Unfitting, a short film presented at the Rome Film Festival starring Carolina Crescentini. And which has at the center of the story the woman’s body and bodyshaming.

Giovanna Mezzogiorno and Alessandro Borghi are the protagonists of 'Napoli Velata' by Ferzan Ozpetek

Unfittingthe short film by Giovanna Mezzogiorno

«I was criticized when my body became inadequate, when I gained a lot of weight and no longer corresponded to the image that others had of me». This is how Giovanna Mezzogiorno recounted the post about her pregnancy in an interview given to Republic. A phase of his life inspired Unfitting, short born from an idea by Silvia Grilli, director of the weekly Grazia.

«A year ago I had a conversation with Giovanna Mezzogiorno in which she told me how her body had changed after pregnancy and what happened next. I typed in her name and from online searches I noticed that next to Giovanna Mezzogiorno words appeared such as “how much does she weigh”, “swollen”, “sick”. A form of digital bullying that deserved not only an interview but something more” Silvia Grilli told Rome.

It can destroy people’s lives

Giovanna Mezzogiorno on the red carpet of “Unfitting”. (Getty Images)

«This short doesn’t pretend to change things in an age-old culture» says Giovanna Mezzogiorno who, in her work, also teaches how to laugh at certain things in order to protect oneself.

However, it certainly sheds light on a topic that «hurts, at any age. I’m 50. I gained 20 kilos during pregnancy, but this cannot be a weapon to offend, denigrate or embroider legends about the fact, for example, that I was ill. These are serious things to say. They can ruin a person’s life” explains the new director. That she does not deny her responsibility for the change that occurred with the pregnancy: “I lived a lazy and unworkable life and this makes you empty the fridge more easily.”

But you cannot, for this reason, destroy a person’s life. The actress, in fact, in an interview with Messenger, then specified that she had lost weight, but “at what cost?” she wonders.

Carolina Crescentini: rudeness and lack of respect

Unfitting, in short, it highlights the contempt of talent in favor of image. «I too experience the same bullying: I wear a size 42 and this, at times, seems like an insult to fashion and costume designers” said Carolina Crescentini, protagonist of the short.

«There is a lack of respect and education, and if this short can make the people who made us feel uncomfortable for much longer feel uncomfortable, even for three seconds, then it is already a victory» continued the actress. She pointed out: «Do we talk a lot about emancipation and then we get lost behind this? It’s true, we work with the image, but we’re also the gateway between paper and video, and that should be a little more important than waist size».

