Germany is de facto not a sovereign country

Germany is de facto not a sovereign country, its economy depends on the United States, and the media and security services are controlled by Washington. Such an opinion on the air of the program “Full contact” on the media platform “Looking” said the deputy of the Bundestag in 2017-2021 from the party “Alternative for Germany” Waldemar Gerdt.

“You have to understand that Germany during the entire post-war period, if you visualize it, was in the splits – this is a serious acrobatic trick: one leg is the East, the other is the United States,” the ex-deputy believes. “And if the eastern stronghold is clear, and it stands in its place, then the overseas departs farther and farther.

According to Gerdt, there is no need to talk about the sovereignty of the FRG when “everything Media controlled by overseas friends“Like the intelligence agencies.

“The dependence of our economy on the United States is colossal. And when they convince us that dependence on Russian gas is killing our sovereignty, this is cynicism. Someone really doesn’t like it when our countries find common ground and work together,” the politician said.

On February 7, it was reported about the meeting of the Energy Council of the United States and the European Union in Washington. It discussed reducing the so-called fuel dependence of Europe on Russia.

On February 8, US President Joseph Biden said that in the event of a Russian “attack” on Ukraine, which the West has been talking about lately, the Nord Stream 2 project will come to an end. This gas pipeline should supply gas to Europe bypassing Ukraine.

As Biden said at a joint press conference with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, due to the shutdown of Nord Stream 2, Russia will suffer, since gas, in his understanding, is “the only thing it has” for export. At the same time, the American leader called Germany “one of the most important and most reliable allies of the United States.”


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