Germany: annual inflation at more than 3 percent – highest level since 1993

WIESBADEN (dpa-AFX) – A sudden increase in consumer prices put a strain on people’s budgets in Germany last year. After a further surge in prices in December, inflation climbed to 3.1 percent on an annual average, according to the Federal Statistical Office. The Wiesbaden authority thus confirmed an initial estimate on Wednesday. A higher rate was last measured in 1993 at 4.5 percent. In the Corona crisis year 2020, annual inflation was 0.5 percent.

Inflation intensified in December. According to the information, consumer prices rose by 5.3 percent compared to the same month last year. The inflation rate measured monthly thus reached the highest level of the past year. The Wiesbaden authority also confirmed an initial estimate here.

Higher inflation weakens the purchasing power of consumers because they can then buy less for one euro than before.

Inflation in Europe’s largest economy last year was fueled primarily by soaring energy prices as part of the global economic recovery after the Corona crisis in 2020. According to the information, energy products rose by 10.4 percent compared to the previous year, after a decline of 4 8 percent in 2020. Consumers had to dig deeper into their pockets than the average for the previous year, especially for heating oil (41.8 percent) and fuel (22.6 percent).

In addition, there was the reversal of the temporary reduction in VAT, supply bottlenecks and the introduction of the CO2 tax at the beginning of 2021 of 25 euros per ton of carbon dioxide that is produced when diesel, petrol, heating oil and natural gas are burned.

Even if the VAT effect does not apply this year, economists do not expect a quick relaxation for the time being. Many economists are also assuming a three before the decimal point in the annual inflation rate for this year. Among other things, they refer to supply bottlenecks that increase production costs. The price curve for crude oil has also recently continued to rise steeply./mar/DP/jha


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