Genoa transfer market: Gudmundsson family of forwards. The great-grandfather scored for Milan

The new Genoa? The first Albert was a Rossoneri in ’48 -49 and then a minister, his grandfather also strikered, his father and mother attacked. Genoa’s latest shot is the scion of a dynasty that has been scoring with Iceland for four generations

When football is a family matter. Albert Gudmundsson, the new signing of Genoa from Spors, is the latest scion of a dynasty that has been scoring with Iceland for four generations. Her father is former striker Gudmundur Benediktson, while her mother, Kristbjörg Ingadóttir, played in the women’s national team and is the daughter of historic bomber Ingi Björn Albertsson. And then there is the maternal great-grandfather, the namesake Albert Gudmundsson,


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