Geiger triumphs again in Titisee-Neustadt – ski jumping – winter sports

Strong final jump brings victory

Geiger was fourth in the first round. With a strong tailwind, he was already at 131 meters. In the second round he used the effort that then prevailed, jumped 143 meters and secured his fourth win of the season.

Eisenbichler, who was still second after the first round, had bad luck in the finale, but still saved the podium. Stephan Leyhe (131/130 meters) again showed a good performance in tenth place and consolidated his position as number three in the German team.

Geiger: I’m in better shape than ever

With the now 13th World Cup victory of his career, Geiger further extended his lead in the overall World Cup. Ryoyu Kobayashi, who was leading at halftime, dropped back to fourth. “I’m in very good shape”, stated Geiger and sent a declaration of war on the Olympic competition: “In better shape than ever.”

Eisenbichler: Two really good jumps

Eisenbichler said after the jump: “At first I was very disappointed. I wanted to win and didn’t know if it was enough for the podium.” But the Bavarian was satisfied with his performance: “I made two really good jumps.”

Friend breaks the Olympic norm too late

Severin Freund, who was not considered for the German Olympic team, made the Olympic norm a day too late. The 33-year-old was still missing a place in the top 15. He finished 14th with jumps of 127 and 129 meters. He was two places ahead of Constantin Schmid (126/133.5 meters), who was nominated for Beijing and came 16th.

Lisa even stronger

Justin Lisso from the national group was even stronger. The Thuringian jumped 127 and 134 meters and came in 13th. With eleventh place the day before, the 22-year-old would have even met the Olympic standard. But he never thought about it: “It was a super cool weekend”, he said instead.


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