Gay asylum seeker asylum seeker asylum center Hoogeveen on hunger strike due to long waiting times IND

Tyrese and Sherwin are a homosexual couple who fled Trinidad and Tobago two years ago. Tyrese went on a hunger strike a week ago because he is desperate because after two years of waiting there is still no decision on his asylum application.

“I have attempted suicide twice and I have a lot of suicidal thoughts. That is what led me to go on a hunger strike. If my voice is not heard and this kills me, then so be it.” , Tyrese says, looking weak. His friend is not participating in the hunger strike because his health situation is too bad.

According to Sandro Kortekaas of the LGBT Asylum Support interest group, there have already been five suicides in the past year among the group of 900 LGBTQA+ people he supports. “It is the most vulnerable group in asylum seekers’ centers, which already have to deal with a lot of discrimination. And this uncertainty is on top of that.”

Kortekaas today sent an urgent letter about the consequences of the long times for this group to State Secretary Eric van de Burg of Justice and Security. But does that help? “I know at least that my letters are being read and for Sherwin and Tyrese I hope that a hearing will be scheduled and a fair trial.”

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