‘Function elsewhere’ photo wins Silver Camera

Never before has the winner of the Zilveren Camera, the most important photojournalistic prize in the Netherlands, which was awarded on Friday evening, had so much direct influence than the ‘function elsewhere’ photo of ANP photographer Bart Maat.

That photo made Mark Rutte’s position waver, slowed down the formation process considerably and contributed to the declining confidence in Dutch politics. ANP already crowned the image as news photo of the year.

The words ‘Position Omtzigt, function elsewhere’ will remind many for years to come of a low point in political history, the moment when a critical member of parliament seemed to have been sidetracked, but also of the rushing Kajsa Ollongren who was seriously ill the year before. had been and now had tested positive for corona. The photo marked the end of her role, and that of Annemarie Jorritsma, as a scout on the same day.

The photo also represents the year in journalism, says jury chairperson Natalia Toret, chief photo editor at NRC. “Last year, photographers were quite limited in their freedom of movement around the Binnenhof: they were not allowed to enter everywhere, or only ANP photographers, press moments were very tightly directed. This photo shows how important it is for photojournalists to be able to report.”

Bart Maat’s photo may seem like a lucky shot – because Ollongren’s face was hidden under the hood and mask, the face detection of Maat’s camera focused on her shoulder, near her folder under her arm, he told One today – “photography is also being alert”, says Toret. “Being in the right place at the right time, and then in that” split second also be able to take pictures.” Moreover, “the haste, the stress, is also in the photo. In the messy, and that big step that she takes, that’s where the story lies.”
Bart Maat was nominated seven times for a Zilveren Camera. He receives 10,000 euros. He has already won first prize in the political category, but never the main prize.


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