Formula 1 – Nürburgring return possible: “Still ready to talk”

Nürburg (dpa) – Those in charge of the Nürburgring are “still ready to talk” with a view to a return of Formula 1.

In a conversation with the German press agency following a move by Formula 1 boss Stefano Domenicali, the communications chief of the operating company, Alexander Gerhard, emphasized: “We continue to take the position that we can very well imagine Formula 1 at the Nürburgring, but under economically sensible framework conditions. “

The traditional route in the Eifel jumped in at short notice in 2020 when the corona pandemic led to cancellations in the racing calendar. “At that time we had the guarantee that there would be a black zero in the end,” explained Gerhard. In 2021 they also sought contact, but did not get together.

Part of the racing calendar for a long time

The last conversation between Nürburgring 1927 GmbH & Co. KG and the Formula 1 bosses took place in August of last year. Up until 2013, the course had been part of the Formula 1 entourage for many years, but in the last few years it had been alternating with the Hockenheimring for financial reasons. A model that, according to Gerhard, could also be conceivable in the future.

Domenicali had announced in a “Sport1” interview that he would seek talks with the promoters and other interested parties in Germany at the beginning of the year. He himself was disappointed and also sad that there wasn’t going to be a German Grand Prix at the moment. The Hockenheimring was last driven in 2019.

A model like the one in Zandvoort in the Netherlands, where, according to Domenicali, a private organizer has sold tickets three years in advance, does not necessarily see the Nürburgring officials as transferable for them. “The Dutch take on an exceptional role with Max Verstappen, and it’s not our job to look at their model,” said Gerhard. Instead, they consider two other models to be feasible: one in which the opportunities and risks are shared, and another in which the route is rented out.

Those responsible for the ring also see the additional attraction of the Nordschleife. “The Nordschleife can be placed as an idea because it has a long tradition,” said Gerhard. “I would never completely discard this idea, but there would still have to be talks with everyone involved. That would be the third step before the first,” he also emphasized. A Formula 1 race was last driven on the legendary section, which also became famous as the Green Hell, in 1976.



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