Forecasters told whether to wait for Epiphany frosts

According to weather forecasters, due to the change of cyclones, the weather this week will be very unstable, according to the Vesti-Moscow program” (all issues can be seen on the media platform “Looking”). Heat waves will be displaced by cold air currents.

By January 18, the intense snowfall that covered the capital region will weaken, and the temperature will drop significantly.

“On January 19, we are in for a kind of epiphany frost: at night the temperature can drop to minus 10-15 degrees, and in the daytime the thermometers will no longer rise above minus 8-13 degrees. and rising temperatures,” said Vadim Zavodchenkov, a leading specialist at the FOBOS weather center.

Meanwhile, in the capital and the region organized about 200 fontswhere you can plunge into the water on Epiphany night.



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