“Flavorite Bruges”, proud of Bruges gastronomy

“Flavorite Bruges”, proud of Bruges gastronomy

Bruges and the Bruges region (with a very strong representation of Knokke-Heist) have the highest number of Michelin stars per inhabitant. But top gastronomy is evolving. Top chefs and entrepreneurs face challenges. With the label “Flavorite Bruges”, the city of Bruges wants to increase its efforts to put gastronomy on the map.

“Flavorite Bruges” will thus become the new flag under which all initiatives will come that in the future want to embody Bruges’ pride in its gastronomy. The initiative is also a collaboration between the city and hotel schools Spermalie, FCAC and Ter Groene Poorte. The chefs themselves also support the campaign. Two-star chef Filip Claeys of De Jonkman is also the signboard.

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Also Kookeet will get a new baseline with “Flavorite Bruges”. By the way, a call will start today to all Bruges chefs who want to participate in the new edition of Kookeet, on September 24, 25 and 26. The planned move from Kookeet to the meadow at the Grootseminarie is still going on.

“Flavorite Bruges” will have a coordinator for two years who must streamline all actions. An action will start in March in which twenty participants can win a voucher worth fifty euros every week. Then they must visit a Bruges gastronomic restaurant and share a photo on social media with the hashtag #flavouritebruges.


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