First local moderate frost of the autumn measured in Eelde

In Eelde, the temperature dropped to -5.1 degrees on Saturday evening at 9.20 pm, making the first local moderate frost day of the autumn a fact, Weeronline reports.

The last time it was moderately frosty somewhere in the country, where the temperature must be at least -5.0 degrees, was on April 3. In Deelen in Gelderland it cooled down to -6.3 degrees.

The first moderate frost of autumn comes earlier than usual. On average, it will only be at least -5.0 degrees somewhere in the country around December 1. Last year it happened later, when the temperature in Eelde also dropped below -5.0 degrees on the late evening of December 10. In the end, -6.6 degrees was measured here in the night.

Earliest moderate frost in 1912

The earliest date that moderate frost was observed anywhere in the country was October 7, 1912. Then it became -5.7 degrees in Winterswijk. According to Weeronline, there has never been a winter season in which there was no moderate frost anywhere.

Moderate frost is the least common in the west of the country, according to the weather bureau. This is due to the influence of relatively warm sea water. As a result, it only freezes on two to five days.
