First German athlete has Corona

Now it happened, two days before the opening of the games: As the German Olympic Sports Confederation announced on Wednesday, the first German athlete was infected with the corona virus.

A few days before the opening ceremony of the Winter Games in Beijing, a first German Olympic athlete tested positive for the corona virus. As the German Olympic Sports Confederation (DOSB) announced on Wednesday, it is figure skater Nolan Seegert. It is the second Corona case in the German team in China, on January 23 a supervisor had tested positive.

Duo could start with a void result

Seegert, who is scheduled to start in pair skating and at the team event, is “still symptom-free” and is in an isolation hotel. There is currently “a confirmed so-called close contact”, the DOSB explained – also in the figure skating team.

Seegert (29) has his first assignment with his partner Minerva Hase on Friday (1.20 p.m. local time) as part of the team event. Whether he can do this or whether the German team, which is not considered a medal candidate anyway, will start the competition with a void result is still open: Seegert can be released from quarantine if there are two negative, consecutive tests with a 24-hour interval. Those affected are tested twice a day.

97 members of the DOSB delegation landed in China on Tuesday, including 40 athletes and President Thomas Weikert. 274 of the 403 representatives of the German team had reached Beijing. The DOSB has nominated 149 athletes for the 24th Olympic Winter Games.


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