Final Game Podcast: Final Effect

From the economic to the technological impact, what sign does an international victory leave? How much does the country system benefit from and in what terms? The successes of the national team bring direct and indirect inducements but also weigh politically on the international level, projecting outward images and values ​​of an organized and winning Italy. Listen to the fourth and final episode of the Finals of the Game podcast

Finali di Match, sound portrait produced by the Catholic University of Italy seen through the triumphs of the national football team at the World Cup and the European Championships. What Italian are you if you don’t have at least one memory linked to a final won by the Azzurri? Because there is always a before and after those momentous events. They mark the generations and the identity of the country, they reflect its customs, but they are also a moment of redemption and affirmation. From geopolitics to economics.



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