Fatal accident in Deventer: car with three young people runs off the road and crashes into a tree | Deventer

videoOne person was killed in a serious accident in Deventer on Friday night. The single-vehicle accident happened around 00:40 on the Nico Bolkesteinlaan. Another passenger was seriously injured.

Hilbert Bult

Latest update:

A car containing three young people left the road after a slight bend near the Dimence location Brinkgreven and ended up against a tree. Two passengers were seriously injured in the accident. Despite the efforts of the emergency services, one of the victims died on the spot. Another passenger was taken to hospital with serious injuries.

According to the Police Officer, the driver of the car escaped without significant injuries, but was taken to hospital for a check-up. The cause of the accident is not yet clear, the traffic accident analysis service is investigating.

The Nico Bolkesteinlaan was completely closed to traffic after the accident, as a result of which the Deventer Hospital, which is located a few hundred meters away on the same road, was inaccessible from the center side almost all night.

Serious accident Nico Bolkesteinlaan © News United / Rens Hulman


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