Extra money for the protection of meadow birds, also a subsidy for SMEs

The provincial government of Drenthe has earmarked hundreds of thousands of euros for two new subsidy schemes. EUR 340,000 has been made available for the Landscape Management of Drenthe for the protection of farmland birds. SMEs (small and medium-sized enterprises) in turn will receive a total of 600,000 euros for extra support in the digital field.

Last year money was also made available for meadow and field birds in our province. Measures are thus taken such as postponing mowing, installing nest protectors and installing predator-resistant grids. Farmers and other landowners can be compensated with subsidies if they implement these kinds of measures.

According to the provincial government, it is urgent to protect farmland birds. “There are fewer and fewer birds in the open farmland throughout the Netherlands and also in Drenthe, including the black-tailed godwit and partridge.” The activities of Landscape Management Drenthe therefore focus on areas where these species breed. In addition, there is an eye for redshank, lapwing and curlew. Deputy Henk Jumelet: “Last year the first results were achieved with concrete measures in the field, but we are not there yet. That is why it is important that we all continue with this approach.”

SME subsidy

Funds will be made available for entrepreneurs in the SME sector in Drenthe to ‘make more use of the opportunities offered by digitisation’. This could include purchasing a new online booking system or creating new apps or software. The province hopes that the companies will develop positively, further strengthen Drenthe’s economy and prepare for the future. There are currently already schemes that SMEs can claim, but according to deputy Henk Brink, more is needed. “We saw that, in addition to hiring knowledge, more is needed to help SMEs in Drenthe with digitization.”

The subsidy scheme is officially called ‘Digitaliseringsvoucher Drenthe’. The provincial government hopes to be able to help between 225 and 250 companies, with a subsidy of up to 3000 euros. If a majority of the Provincial Council approves the measure, an application will be possible from 10 May at the Northern Netherlands Partnership (SNN).


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