Explosions at Lubyanka and Park Kultury: point in terrorist case

The sentence is a life sentence. In the capital, the court put an end to the case of the terrorist Magomed Nurov. According to investigators, he voluntarily joined the gang that was behind the explosions at the Lubyanka and Park Kultury metro stations, took an oath to its leader, participated in the planning and preparation of terrorist attacks, and acted as a messenger and driver.

Handcuffed and under escort, Magomed Nurov is taken to the hall of the 2nd Western District Military Court. He is one of the last participants in the preparation of the terrorist attacks of 2010 in the metropolitan subway, who survived. His name is included in the list of terrorists and extremists of Rosfinmonitoring. In front of a dozen television cameras, behind the glass of the so-called “aquarium” Nurov at first even seems cheerful. But it’s more of a defensive reaction. He already understands that he will probably spend the rest of his life behind bars. Questions from journalists finally piss him off.

“Based on the evidence collected, he was charged with participation in a criminal community and a stable armed group, committing terrorist acts, as well as illegal manufacture of explosive devices,” Svetlana Petrenko, an official representative of the RF IC, comments on the verdict.

According to investigators, Nurov was the driver and liaison of a gang of militants. By private car, he drove them to meetings where they discussed and planned explosions in the Moscow subway. Helped make explosives. And then he hid one of the gang members.

Twelve years after the terrorist attacks at the Lubyanka and Park Kultury metro stations, nothing reminds of that terrible day. Once they wanted to hang memorial plaques here, but changed their minds. As time goes by, the colors of the terrible events of 2010 are fading. But not in the memory of those who found themselves on the subway that morning.

March 2010. Morning rush hour in the metropolitan subway. Someone was in a hurry to work, someone to study. At 7:56 at the station “Lubyanka” the doors of the second car of the train that had just arrived opened, thundered explosion.

The bomb exploded on 28-year-old Mariam Sharipova. While the doctors were providing first aid to the victims, and the passengers of the Moscow metro were recovering from shock, the partner of the suicide bomber, 17-year-old Janet Abdurakhmanova, was driving along the red line to the southwest. At 8:39 a second explosion was heard at the “Park Kultury”. 39 people died. Another 117 were injured. Investigators almost immediately identified the circle of possible organizers and accomplices. Some of the militants were eliminated.

The hunt for one of the most influential and cruel leaders of the gang, Magomedali Vagabov, had been going on for almost five years by that time. In August 2010, in the Dagestan village of Gunib, security forces blocked a group of militants. Five people on the demand to surrender opened heavy fire. All of them died in a fire that broke out from their own bomb. One of the dead was identified as 35-year-old Vagabov. During his lifetime, he actively recruited young people and trained suicide bombers. Mariam Sharipova was his cohabitant. Janet Abdurakhmanova was also sent to death by him.

Vagabov’s mentor and gang leader, Doku Umarov, was also liquidated. In April 2014, this was officially confirmed by the director of the FSB of Russia, Alexander Bortnikov: “As a result of the operational and combat work carried out, the activities of the leader of the terrorist organization“ Caucasus Emirate ”have been neutralized.

Magomed Nurov was calculated for a long time. His turn came in March 2019. Magomed Nurov is the only one of the survivors and known to the preliminary investigation bodies to organize terrorist acts in Moscow. The main members of the stable armed group Novokostetsky Jamaat (banned in Russia) were eliminated during a special operation in 2010-2013 because they resisted law enforcement officers.

He never admitted his guilt. The court sentenced Nurov to life imprisonment in a special regime colony. He left behind a wife and seven children.


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