Experts question the reduction of the risk of getting COVID due to sport

Photo: Andreas Rentz / Getty Images

The production of hormones during exercise and a decrease in the risk of contracting coronavirus are not directly related, obesity may rather affect the severity of the disease. This was reported by experts interviewed by RBC.

Earlier, the University of Navarra published a study, according to which the hormones produced by the muscles during exercise reduce the likelihood of contracting COVID-19. At the same time, in patients with obesity, the risk of contracting coronavirus, on the contrary, is higher, Spanish scientists said, since they have a greater number of COVID-19 receptors in body fat. In addition, fat cells are able to produce more inflammatory molecules that control the activity of immune system cells.

Spanish scientists say that playing sports reduces the risk of getting COVID

Photo: David Ramos / Getty Images

Obesity, indeed, is an aggravating factor in infection with coronavirus, like other chronic diseases, experts interviewed by RBC note. Patients with this diagnosis are at risk of infection and severe course of COVID-19.

Associate Professor of the Department of Infectious Diseases of the RUDN University Sergey Voznesensky emphasizes that this is primarily due to the heavy load on the cardiovascular system. However, enhanced sports activities absolutely cannot be a factor in the favorable course of coronavirus infection or the possibility of non-infection with coronavirus, he said.


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