Experts named popular audiobooks among Russians on New Year’s holidays – RBK

Science fiction and fantasy audiobooks have become the most popular among Russians during the New Year holidays, according to the Storytel service (available to RBC).

The second place was taken by detectives, who usually occupy the third position during the year, the service noted. At the same time, modern prose, on the contrary, dropped one position and gave way to them.

Classical literature came in fourth during the New Year holidays, and children’s audiobooks came in fifth, thanks to a sharp jump in listening sessions during the holidays (up 20% compared to the last decade of December).

Experts have recorded an increase in demand for books about Harry Potter during the holidays

The most popular books for the holidays in 2022 were film adaptations or novelties. The first (“Dune”), the third (“God-Emperor of Dune”), the seventh (“The Heretics of Dune”) and the ninth (“Children of Dune”) places are occupied by the works of Frank Herbert about the universe of Dune. Thanks to the film adaptation, which premiered last fall. The second place was taken by the book “The Witcher: The Last Wish”, Andrzej Sapkowski.


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