Expert on negotiations with the US: don’t shoot right away

Russia received a response from the United States to proposals for security guarantees. This answer is written, the content of the document is not disclosed. The situation became a topic for discussion on the program “Evening with Vladimir Solovyov” on the TV channel “Russia 1”. The guest of the show, film director Karen Shakhnazarov, shared his vision based on the classics.

The expert believes that the States did not need to respond at all. “The fact that they dragged on for a month, as a result, they answered in writing, well, this is generally a certain weakness,” Shakhnazarov said.

And Russia should not answer, although Washington, of course, and waiting for an answer. “This, of course, is the business of the president, I would be silent in his place,” the director said. “And you don’t have to answer anything. This is the most nervous state.”

Shakhnazarov briefly reminded the audience Pushkin’s story “Shot”. Silvio challenged a brilliant hussar officer to a duel. He fired first, missed, and then, waiting for Silvio’s shot, he calmly ate cherries from his shako. And then Silvio said that he would not shoot at the hussar now, which leaves this shot behind him.

Several years passed, the hussar retired, got married and lived a completely happy life on his estate, Shakhnazarov retold. And then Silvio appeared again with the words: “The hour has struck.” They again drew lots, the hussar fell to shoot first, he again missed. “Silvio took aim, and at that time his wife appeared, the hussar turned pale,” the director recalled. I saw you tremble. Then, when you stood and ate cherries, it did not satisfy me. Now I have what I need.”

This is a wonderful story, Shakhnazarov noted. “You don’t have to shoot right away,” he advised. “You need to leave him, this shot. It provides amazing opportunities. in the Russian Federation to the leadership, it constantly keeps in suspense, and you can do what you need.”


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