Expert: groceries even more expensive due to strike at Albert Heijn

The strikes at Albert Heijn’s distribution centers could soon spread to other supermarkets, says retail and brand expert Paul Moers.

“The entire supermarket world is now watching, because if Albert Heijn starts paying more, you know one thing for sure: then the thunder will also start at the other supermarkets,” says the supermarket connoisseur.

If Albert Heijn loses more money for its employees, this will fuel inflation. “Albert Heijn has no choice but to settle this in the prices. Groceries are already expensive, and this will only make them even more expensive,” says Moers.

He points out that the FNV is increasing the pressure. “The strikers have a clear long breath and are getting more and more people with them. And you get a moment when it becomes unmanageable. The danger is that the unions will soon say: we are going to occupy the gates and we will let it escalate. Then nothing comes out anymore,” says the trademark expert.

Pay raise

However, Moers does not think that Albert Heijn will let it come to that. “They will put some water in the wine. Albert Heijn is doing everything it can to stay in touch and is looking for a compromise.”

Meanwhile, the situation in supermarkets is becoming increasingly dire. “I hear on all sides that the shelves are starting to get empty. Albert Heijn is clearly starting to feel the pain.” According to Moers, customers are now moving to other stores.

The FNV demands a wage increase of at least 10 percent for a collective labor agreement with a term of one year. Albert Heijn’s latest offer was an 8 percent increase in salary. According to the union, working conditions would also deteriorate with the collective bargaining offer of the supermarket chain.
