Exercise in the morning, why or not

Everyone has a favorite time to exercise. This often has to do with the goals you have with sports. Some like to exercise in the morning and some find it better to exercise in the evening. In this article we will look at which is better, in the evening or in the morning. Or does it not matter? Find out in this article!

What goals do you exercise in the morning?

For some athletes it is better to exercise in the morning, because of different goals. Below are some examples of when it is better to exercise in the morning.

To lose weight

Are you trying to lose weight or do you want to lose weight? Then it is best for you to exercise in the morning. When you exercise in the morning it boosts your metabolism and you are less hungry during the day. You are often stiff in the morning and not really awake yet. It is therefore advisable to drink some coffee and warm yourself up before exercising.

Sleep better

If you want a better night’s sleep, it is best to start exercising immediately after waking up. As soon as you start exercising in the evening, you may not be able to fall asleep as quickly. This has to do with the hormone endorphins that you produce during exercise. Endorphins make you feel happy, but also make you more alert and awake. And of course you don’t want this if you want to go to sleep. Adrenaline is also released during training. As a result, you also get an energetic feeling after the training. But of course this is not what you want when you go to sleep.

For which goals do you exercise in the evening?

Exercising in the evening is not a good idea if you want to lose weight or sleep better. Read below to find out what it can help you with.

Weight training

If you do strength training and you want to get stronger, it is better to exercise in the afternoon or evening. In the afternoon and evening you have more energy, because of the meals you have eaten during the day. So you can exercise at a higher intensity. The hormone testosterone also responds best here. This hormone is very important for strength training. It makes your muscles bigger and stronger. You could also do strength training in the morning, but this means that you have less energy.

Conclusion: Exercise in the morning

It is fine to exercise in the morning. Especially if you want to lose weight and sleep better. When you do strength training, it is better to exercise in the afternoon or evening. This has to do with the energy you have received during the day, by eating. Ultimately, it mainly depends on your own preference. Some people have more time in the morning and some will have more time in the evening. It is important that you exercise at the same time, so that your body can maintain a rhythm.


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