Excess mortality in 2021: almost ten percent more deaths than expected

Excess mortality in 2021: almost ten percent more deaths than expected

The number of people who died in 2021 was ten percent higher than expected for that year. According to the latest figures from Statistics Netherlands (CBS) nearly 171,000 people died, sixteen thousand more than expected. In 2020, the first year of the corona pandemic, there was already excess mortality: 15,000 more people died in that year than expected.

Statistics Netherlands reports that this excess mortality occurred in all age groups. The excess mortality was highest at 14 percent in the age group of 65 to 80 years. In the group aged 50 to 65, the excess mortality was 11 percent. In 2021, more men than women died, which is remarkable given that more women normally die each year because they are in the majority in higher age groups. Excess mortality among men was 11 percent in 2021, and 9 percent among women.

Per region, the excess mortality was highest in Flevoland (20 percent) and Zeeland (16 percent) and relatively lowest in Kennemerland and Amsterdam (both six percent). The cause of death for the deceased in 2021 is still unclear, because CBS only has the figures until August. Until that month, nearly 12,000 people died from Covid-19, or 11 percent of the total deaths in that period.

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In this blog does NRC report of the main developments in the corona crisis. On Tuesday evening, the cabinet announced relaxation of the corona measures that will take effect today. The catering and culture sector is allowed to receive people again until 10 p.m. and up to a third of the capacity is also open to the public at sports competitions.

Read here: the corona blog of Tuesday 25 January


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