Everything can open again in 3 steps | news item

News item | 15-02-2022 | 19:04

The number of corona infections is high, many people are in isolation or quarantine at home. Despite the high infection rates, the number of hospital admissions remains stable. We are more resistant to the virus, thanks to vaccinations and booster shots and the built-up immunity. So the Netherlands will open again. Just not in one go. But in 3 steps. These are big steps and we are taking them in quick succession.

Step 1: immediately

The advice not to receive more than 4 people at home will expire immediately. The advice to work from home as much as possible also changes to: work at the office for a maximum of half of the working time.

Step 2: February 18

From Friday 18 February, all locations in our country can open again until 1 a.m. The corona ticket (3G) will remain in effect until February 25 at all locations where it must already be shown. Such as in the catering industry, in cinemas, museums and theaters and at professional sports competitions. Once inside these locations, a permanent seat, wearing a mouth cap and keeping a distance of 1.5 meters is no longer mandatory. There is also no longer a visitor standard. At locations with more than 500 people, a permanent seat and wearing a mouth cap when moving is still mandatory. The isolation advice after a positive test is shortened to 5 days, provided someone has no complaints for 24 hours.

Step 3: February 25

We will take the last step on Friday 25 February. Then the normal opening hours apply again and we say goodbye to: the corona admission ticket (3G) at locations where fewer than 500 people are inside, the mandatory 1.5 meters away, wearing a mouth cap when moving in the catering industry, in education or in the store, a maximum number of visitors and a permanent seat in, for example, the catering industry. This means that the large nightclubs, discotheques, festivals and events will also open indefinitely. In places indoors where more than 500 people gather and do not have a permanent seat, for example in night restaurants or at festivals, everyone must show a negative test result. This does not apply to transfer locations such as trade fairs and conferences. In order to offer vulnerable people the opportunity to travel safely, it will remain mandatory from 25 February to wear a face mask in public transport and at the airport.

On March 15, the cabinet will assess, among other things, the still applicable mouth cap obligation in public transport, the mandatory testing for access (1G) and the advice to work from home.

All measures, advice and conditions are explained in more detail on Rijksoverheid.nl/coronameasures.

Moving forward together: advice for everyone

After almost 2 years of experience with the corona approach, we have learned how difficult it is to deal with measures that limit our daily lives. And with relaxation. That is why we must continue to pay attention and help each other so that we do not infect each other. The virus is still there. So it remains sensible for everyone to still stick to the advice that demonstrably limit the spread of the virus. Such as washing hands, coughing and sneezing in the elbow, not shaking hands, keeping a distance or wearing a face mask in busy places, sufficient fresh air, regularly doing a self-test, testing for complaints and getting a vaccine or booster shot. .


The insulation advice will be relaxed as of Friday 18 February. The isolation time is shortened from a minimum of 7 days to 5 days (if 24 hours without complaints). Everyone still goes into isolation after a positive test. Even if you have had a booster shot. This way you do not infect housemates or other people. If you have tested positive with corona complaints, the isolation period starts from the moment you started to have complaints. If you have tested positive without corona complaints, you start counting from the date of the test.

For the current isolation and quarantine rules with personalized advice, visit: quarantinecheck.rijksoverheid.nl

Traveling abroad

The corona situation in a country is no longer decisive for the color of the travel advice from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. All safety and health risks weigh in again. This makes traveling to countries outside Europe possible again in the short term. The quarantine obligation upon return to the Netherlands will expire on 25 February.

The advice to travelers remains: go well prepared for your trip. Corona is not gone. There are still measures in place abroad. Think of test obligations, QR codes and mouth caps. So still read the entire travel advice on Wijsopreis.nl or in the Foreign Affairs Travel app: before you book, just before departure and during the trip.

Visual explanation by Minister Kuipers

During the press conference, Minister Kuipers explained with various images about:

  • The increase in the number of positive tests from January to now. It seems that a peak has now been reached.
  • That hospital admissions remain stable. Despite the high infection rates.


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