everyone will get covid, but some will not notice it

Everyone will have to get sick with the coronavirus, but some will not notice it. Such an opinion on the air of the program “Advise Doctor” on the “Radio Russia” said Konstantin Chumakov, a virologist from the United States, professor at the George Washington University, director of the Center for the Global Virological Network of the United States.

“Many get sick without even knowing it. There are many situations when one person in the family gets sick, all the rest do not get sick. And vice versa: everyone got sick – one remained healthy. Surely this person was infected, it’s just that his immunity is arranged in such a way that he easily coped, his immunity ground this disease, and no symptoms arose,” Chumakov said.

As for the symptoms, according to the expert, the new strain “omicron” is different here from their predecessors. Previously, patients complained of loss of smell, high body temperature, pneumonia, thrombosis and vasculitis. Now, when infected with “omicron”, the symptoms are different.

“There is almost no inflammation of the lungs. The main manifestations are headache, runny nose. There is no loss of smell, cough, irritation in the nose –
typical manifestations of acute respiratory viral disease of the upper respiratory tract. It lasts from one day to three or five,” Chumakov said.

As the professor specified, “omicron” affects the upper respiratory tract. The disease does not progress to pneumonia, and there is no need for mechanical ventilation. There are, of course, those who endure the disease more severely and end up in the hospital. As a rule, these are unvaccinated persons. However, the vaccinated are not 100% protected.

“This can happen to the vaccinated as well. But we are talking about probabilities. For the vaccinated, the likelihood that this disease will move into such a deep advanced phase is much less,” Chumakov said. “Unfortunately, there are also many anti-vaxxers in America, and there are a lot of people who who stubbornly did not want to be vaccinated. So they are now disentangling their own unreasonableness. In the United States now, out of three people, one is unvaccinated. And now they are filling hospitals.”

“No one promised you that the vaccine would protect against infection. If you get infected, you have a positive test, and you blow your nose twice, this does not mean at all that the vaccine did not work. You did not go to the hospital, you did not get seriously ill, the likelihood of death you have decreased by 20 times,” the expert concluded.

According to the latest data, 783 cases of infection with “omicron” were recorded in Russia, 53 percent of them identified in Moscow.

All episodes of the “Advise, Doctor” program are available on the media platform “Looking”.



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