European Handball Championship – DHB team ready for European Championship start

Bratislava (AP) – Alfred Gislason watched the last training session of the German handball players before the long-awaited European Championship start with his arms crossed and a stern look.

Afterwards, the national coach and his hungry team on the top floor of the team hotel above the roofs of Bratislava put the finishing touches to the final touches for the first preliminary round game against Belarus this Friday (6 p.m. / ARD).

The newly formed DHB selection can hardly wait for the first challenge at the finals in Hungary and Slovakia. “The atmosphere is super good. That can only be an advantage. There is something special in the air,” said backcourt player Julius Kühn.

The backcourt player is one of the four remaining European champions from 2016 in the team that wants to inspire with refreshing performances. Gislason also feels the new spirit. “The atmosphere in the team is different than it was at the last World Cup or the Olympics. The players are really looking forward to representing Germany and are excited about the tournament,” said the 62-year-old Icelander. “Maybe we can make up for the lack of experience a little with the fun everyone is having.”

“We know about the strengths of the Belarusians”

High up on the twelfth floor of the EM Hotel with a great view of the Slovak capital, there was a relaxed atmosphere among his protégés. “The tension is not so great because we are well prepared. Everyone is looking forward to the start of the tournament, nobody is cramped,” reported captain Johannes Golla.

Nevertheless, Gislason warned to be careful with the opponent, who should not be underestimated. “We know about the Belarusians’ strengths. They are well-rehearsed and have many players who regularly play in the Champions League. This is an absolute 50:50 game,” warned the national coach.

Especially since eight of the 17 players that Gislason initially took with him on the European Championship trip have never played a major tournament. “We have to get rid of the nervousness quickly and keep our positive mood,” said the experienced coach. Because: “It is extremely important how we get into the tournament. It would be very good to start with a positive experience.” The goal is clear: two points.

Playmaker Philipp Weber, who had to slow down a few days after his shoulder bruise from the France international match last Sunday, should help with this. “We assume he will be ready for the game,” said Gislason.

Low personnel worries in the DHB team

Compared to other teams, the personnel worries in the German team are extremely low. Especially since there was not a single corona case in the entire preparation. “I’m very happy about that,” said Gislason. “Everyone stuck to the guidelines.” He described the implementation of the Corona protective measures in Bratislava as “very, very good. So far it has been very professional and very correct, both in the hotel and in the hall.”

Other teams didn’t get through so well. Seven players were infected with the last German opponents in the preliminary round, Poland. There were two positive cases shortly before leaving for Bratislava, five more after arriving at the European Championship venue. Kühn responded with black humor: “I said: we just have to stay healthy, then we’ll get relatively far.”

The DHB has at least taken the necessary precautions for it. “We have a great hotel in which all players are accommodated in single rooms in order to minimize the risk of a corona infection,” said sports director Kromer. “We are doing the best we can that it will not fail because of the environment.”



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