European Championship – No bold comeback: DHB team unchanged against Norway

Bratislava (dpa) – Without Julius Kühn, the German handball players are playing the second main round game at the European Championship against Norway.

The backcourt player, who tested positive on January 15, has to wait for his comeback after the current PCR re-test did not meet the requirements for use.

For a possible return to the tournament after at least five days of quarantine, infected players must present two negative PCR tests and receive medical clearance. “We have a clear order for the return of our players to the tournament: first there must be the green light from the completely independently acting physicians, then Alfred Gislason can decide when and how he uses the additional sporting option,” said DHB sports director Axel Kromer just before the game kicked off in Bratislava.

For the duel with the EM third in 2020, national coach Alfred Gislason nominated the same 16 players as in the 23:29 the day before against defending champion Spain. Assistant coach Erik Wudtke is not there again. After Gislason’s assistant separated on Thursday because of an unclear finding, a specially arranged PCR test on Friday revealed a significant viral load. “We’re glad we acted so cautiously,” said Kromer.


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