Espanyol punctures in Bilbao and arrives at the derby with a bad face

  • The parakeet team took the lead in minute 3, but repeated mistakes and allowed themselves to come back on the fast track (2-1). The Blue and Whites are still winless in 2022.

the derby of Cornella next Sunday will arrive with two clubs with antagonistic sensations. The barca revived with his brilliant victory against Atlético and the Spanish He played again this Monday in another performance that corroborated the bad moment of the parakeets. Four days without winning, with one point out of 12 possibleis the balance of the block of Vincent Morenowhich clicked on Bilbao (2-1) before receiving the azulgranas in a demanding stretch of calendar. The Seville and the Villarreal They will be the next opponents on a tough February slope.

Without Thomas Raulsanctioned for his absurd expulsion against Betis, the parakeet coach opted for dimata instead of Loren as a spearhead. The other great novelty was the ownership of Vilhena on the left flank, while Embarba he stayed on the bench.

Rotations for the Cup

In front, Marcellin showed that he had his head set on Thursday, when Athletic will face the Valencia in the first leg of the Cup semifinals. Inaki Williams and Muniain they were substitutes to the relief of the Blue and Whites.

In a ‘deja vu’ of what happened days before against the Verdiblancos, Espanyol struck again first. Against the Andalusians, RDT’s goal came in the 13th minute. Yesterday the high it occurred before. After 3 minutes he was already winning with a Vilhena great goal, the only signing of the winter market, that surprised Unai Simon after a pass from Puado.

Far from learning the lesson, Espanyol fell apart again on the fast track. Athletic came back in just 10 minutes thanks to a cross shot sancetsomewhat validated by the VAR after being annulled for offside, and a header from Inigo Martinez. The same film from Friday, January 21, the same disaster, the same feeling of inconsistency and fragility that is weighing down the Blue and Whites in a bitter 2022.

possible penalty

The bad feelings have dragged even the goal Diego Lopez. His collection of miracles, which had its peak in the match against Athletic in Cornellà, seems finished. he is again earthly goal.

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With 2-1, Espanyol went to the changing rooms to reflect. It was of little use. It didn’t help either refereewho could call a penalty for some Balenziaga’s hands. Moreno tried everything with the changes, but there were hardly any options. A darter’s missile deflected by Unai was the only noteworthy thing about a bad-faced Espanyol.

athletics, 2; Spanish, 1

ATHLETICS: Unai Simon (7); Lekue (6), Vivian (6), Iñigo Martínez (8), Balenziaga (6); Berenguer (6), Dani García (7), Zarraga (5), Serrano (5); Raul Garcia (6), Sancet (7). Coach: Marcelino Garcia (7). Changes: Vesga (6) by Dani García (m. 57); Petxarroman (6) by Berenguer (d. 64); Iñaki Williams (5) by Raúl García (m. 64); Villalibre (5) by Sancet (m. 72); Muniain (5) by Serrano (d. 72).

SPANISH: Diego Lopez (5); Óscar Gil (6), Sergi Gómez (5), Cabrera (4), Pedrosa (5); Melendo (4), Morlanes (5), Darder (6), Vilhena (6); Handful (4), Dimata (4). Coach: Vicente Moreno (4). Changes: Embarba (4) for Melendo (m. 63); David López (4) by Sergi Gómez (m. 63); Loren (5) by Dimata (d. 63); Wu Lei (sc) by Vilhena (d. 74); Yangel Herrera (sc) by Morlanes (d. 74);

GOALS: 0-1 (m. 3), Vilhena, for the squad; 1-1 (m. 5), Sancet, cross shot; 2-1 (m. 16), Iñigo Martínez, header.


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