Epic Games has new allies in its fight against Apple

The publisher of Fortnite may have largely lost its lawsuit against Apple, he does not intend to stop there. Epic Games recently received support from select allies. Microsoft and 35 US states join the American company in its antitrust fight against Apple. They hope to overturn a decision that Apple does not violate competition laws.

Epic Games is no longer alone in its fight against Apple

Microsoft, the Electronic Frontier Foundation and the attorneys general of 35 states have decided to support Epic Games in its fight. They believe that the decision rendered by the district court is not fair. According to the filings, the court failed to properly weigh the damages caused by Apple’s anticompetitive behavior against its benefits. The Electronic Frontier Foundation believes the court erred in assuming that customers were “fully aware of Apple’s policies when they joined the App Store”.

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In short, the fight of Epic Games against Apple is probably far from over. For its part, the apple brand declared that it was “optimistic” as to upholding the District Court’s decision and maintained its view that it provided an App Store “safe and reliable” offering great opportunities for creators. The United States Court of Appeals is not obliged to take into account the claims of the 35 States. It is simply a show of force, which can possibly weigh in the balance.

35 US states support Fortnite publisher’s initiative

If Epic Games wins its case in the Court of Appeal, Apple may need to reform the App Store. This is the main objective of the Fortnite editor. Microsoft joined Epic’s fight for several reasons. The company says it is concerned about “the extraordinary power of Apple”. Despite its size, the Redmond firm invokes its own interest in maintaining competition and innovation. This includes allegedly anti-competitive behavior by Apple, beyond rules that directly affect Epic Games. Apple’s ban on cloud services in the App Store would harm Xbox Game Pass Ultimate in particular.

All 35 U.S. states estimate that “Apple’s conduct has harmed and continues to harm mobile app developers and millions of citizens. Meanwhile, Apple continues to monopolize app distribution and in-app payment solutions for the iPhone, continues to stifle competition and rake in profits in the smartphone industry, which accounts for nearly 1,000 billions of dollars a year. Apple must be held accountable for this behavior.”.


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