Environmental kids and inquisitive teachers wanted!

Curious environmental kids wanted

Questions, research and understanding! – that’s the motto junior campus at the Technical University (TH) Lübeck. New this year: the environmental kids. This competition, which runs from March 1st to June 1st, is about bringing environmental and climate protection into day-care centers and elementary schools. Elementary schools can participate with expeditions on the topics of “mobility and environmental/climate protection”. Day-care centers are allowed to express themselves creatively in the area of ​​“Healthy eating and the environment/ protecting the climate”. At the end of the competition, the day-care centers and elementary schools hand in posters for their campaigns and take part in an awards ceremony.

The JuniorCampus has received prominent support for these topics. Among other things, it is involved in the project EU climate alliance. Regional support comes from the Rose Foundation and the Belling Bookstore.

Registrations and inquiries at: janina.mahncke(at)th-luebeck.de

Free face-to-face training for primary school teachers in small groups

The further training courses for primary school teachers will also start in March. Experimenting and researching yourself is the focus of this offer. The JuniorCampus team makes scientific connections tangible and tangible for the target group. In addition to this, demonstration experiments deepen the knowledge acquired so that teachers can better respond to questions from the students. The number of places is limited to 12 participants and linked to a 3G proof requirement.

The topics in the first half of the year are:

  • 03/03/2022 | My body: In which skin are we stuck?
  • 03/17/2022 | The Baked Stone!
  • 04/27/2022 | Water and climate – an interplay of forces
  • 06/02/2022 | The pitfalls of perception – optical illusions!

Primarily everyday materials are used so that everything that the teachers implement in the course of the training can also be implemented 1:1 in the classroom. The JuniorCampus also supports the first implementation in the classroom, for example via online support.

Registration under: janina.mahncke(at)th-luebeck.de
Further information at: https://www.th-luebeck.de/junior-campus/juniorcampus/schulungen-und-workshops/grundschulen/uebersicht/
