Ennio by Giuseppe Tornatore: the review by Paolo Mereghetti

Ennio Morricone in his studio in a moment of the film

Gender: Didactic-apologetic documentary
Directed by Giuseppe Tornatore. With Ennio MOrricone, Clint Eastwood, Bruce Springsteen, Bernardo Bertolucci, Oliver Stone, Quentin Tarantino

Don’t be scared by the duration (two and a half hours) why the portrait that Tornatore managed to make of the master Ennio Morricone is so passionate and engaging that you would like it to last even longer.

And not just for surprises (did you know that Bruce Springsteen was a fan of his?), but above all for the – rare – ability to dig into an artistic work, to open the doors of the mysteries of creation and to do so with exemplary clarity and simplicity.

Ennio Morricone

Ennio Morricone in a moment of the film

Certain, Tornatore and Morricone have been dating for decades, one making each other’s soundtracks from New Cinema Paradiso (1988) a The conversation (2016), otherwise you would not understand the familiarity and confidence that you breathe (the film opens with the gymnastic exercises that Morricone did every morning).

But what is surprising is above all the ability to integrate his own classical training (he was a pupil of Goffredo Petrassi) with the needs and requests of popular music: listening to what he did with the song The jar to understand the stature of the true genius.

Before Sergio Leone, before Mission, before Tarantino and before the Oscar. Announced in release on February 17th but with previews throughout Italy on Saturday 29th and Sunday 30th January. Not to be missed.
For those who want to find out how genes work.



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