Energy and knowledge for the world of tomorrow

Two reasons to be happy at the TH Lübeck: The Society for Energy and Climate Protection Schleswig-Holstein GmbH (EKSH) supports two university projects. A grant notification is sent to junior campusthe second funded project is entitled “SolarAlgae”.

The aim of the SolarAlgae project is to use natural dyes from microalgae to construct solar cells. “These so-called dye solar cells imitate the natural principle of photosynthesis,” explains Prof. Nadine Buczek, who heads the project at the Lübeck University of Applied Sciences together with Prof. Mark Elbing. The microalgae are cultivated in large open tanks by project partner Sea & Sun Technology GmbH in Trappenkamp. “So far, these dyes from microalgae have hardly been tested for their suitability in solar cells – we want to change that with our project,” reports Prof. Mark Elbing. The project funding by the EKSH amounts to around 150,000 euros.
Important work will be carried out in the so-called solar house of the THL – since its construction in the early 1980s, this house has served as a real laboratory for research on solar cells and thermoelectrics.

The second project that the EKSH is funding with around 57,000 euros is the JuniorCampus – under the “umbrella” of the JuniorCampus, the Lübeck University of Applied Sciences has been promoting the spirit of research primarily in children and young people of all ages for many years. “Thanks to the support of the EKSH, two additional offers with a focus on environmental education / renewable energies could be created.
A school module for secondary school students on the topic: Energy for the future and an extracurricular module in the afternoon area for children and young people aged 9-14 on the topic: Energy from nature or everything garbage?” says Prof. Jürgen happily Tchorz, head of the JuniorCampus.

“Both projects are examples of the EKSH’s priorities,” says Frank Osterwald. At the same time, however, the EKSH is increasingly focusing on talent promotion and youth education in the fields of energy and climate protection.”. The non-profit organization provides around two million euros annually for pilot projects and programs. Shareholders of EKSH are a GbR from the state’s universities, HanseWerk AG and the state of Schleswig-Holstein.
