Ella Leyers about the image that others have of her: “People quickly think they know me” | TV

Sergio herself did not initially experience Ella as a flapper, but rather as a closed book. “I often don’t say anything about personal matters, but because I’m more present in other areas, people quickly think they know me. As a result, people think I’m a fagot, but actually I’m not at all.” Sergio understands exactly what she means. “I was never much of a talker, especially in relationships.” In addition, Ella and Sergio also exchanged relationship advice. “I can tell you: that doesn’t really work,” says Sergio. Something Ella in turn can fully identify with. “I just solve certain things myself, but actually I’m already checking out at that moment.

That Ella Leyers sometimes just says her thoughts is apparent at the start of the duo’s Lapland road trip. Ella makes a confession that Sergio doesn’t immediately know how to respond to. “You smell like my first love”, it sounds at one point.

During their road trip, Sergio and Ella also visit an authentic Sami camp in Lapland. A father and daughter show them how not to lose a reindeer. The fur, the organs, the flesh and even the blood: they use everything.

Watch ‘Sergio Over De Grens’ on VTM and on VTM GO.


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