Eisenbichler worried about corona tests

According to DSV Alpin boss Wolfgang Maier, Bernd Eisenbichler has also expressed concerns about the corona tests at the Olympic Winter Games in Beijing.

“I also see it critically and difficult that the values ​​are set differently than we are used to here in Europe,” said the sports director of biathlon in the German Ski Association (DSV).

It is now important to know which limit values ​​are the focus of the tests. “We have to avoid having a positive PCR test at Beijing airport from an athlete who got on the plane shortly before with a negative PCR test,” said Eisenbichler. The DSV is pushing for a “compatible solution”. Alpin boss Maier had previously said that any athletic opponent could be immediately “taken out of the race” with a PCR test.

Meanwhile, according to DSV, the IOC and the DOSB have confirmed that this topic is at the top of the agenda. Among other things, an international group of experts has been set up to deal explicitly with the issue of limit values. Because there are also concerns internationally in this regard.

Eisenbichler is optimistic about the high point of the season. “We will get on the plane well prepared,” he said, but admitted: “Corona hovers over us every day, but we have a good plan and are taking all precautionary measures.” Currently only Franziska Preuss, who had to pause because of a foot injury and was at home, got a positive test.

On January 31, the German team will fly from Frankfurt to Beijing on a direct charter flight. Basically, the athletes “who have met the internal standard are in all probability also at the Olympics,” said Eisenbichler.

Erik Lesser, Benedikt Doll, Roman Rees, Johannes Kühn and Philipp Nawrath have met the association’s internal standard for men. Whether the team of national coach Mark Kirchner will fly to China in groups of five or six will be decided after the World Cup in Ruhpolding, which starts on Wednesday. If the Germans stay ahead of the Swedes – currently there is one point – six ski hunters can fly to Beijing.

In the meantime, only five German women can travel to the Olympic city due to the season’s achievements so far. So far, Preuss, Denise Herrmann, Vanessa Hinz and Vanessa Voigt have met the standard.



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