Eintracht Frankfurt: Gladbach hot for Hinteregger

Borussia Mönchengladbach has been looking for a new head of defense at the latest since the departure of national player Matthias Ginter. The foals have apparently identified a possible candidate in Martin Hinteregger from Eintracht Frankfurt.

As “Sport1” claims to have found out, the Gladbachers have already approached Martin Hinteregger over the past few weeks and held talks with the Austrian defender. These conversations are said not to have revealed anything concrete, but the broadcaster reports that there is “fundamental interest”.

Although Hinteregger’s contract with the Hessians runs until 2024, they would not be closed to a transfer. A few weeks ago, the sports management should have given the 29-year-old to understand that he can leave the club with a suitable offer.

It is not known how much fee the Frankfurters charge for the central defender. “Sport1” speculates about six to eight million euros. Money that the Hessians can use well in Corona times.

However, the Frankfurters would also lose one of their most reliable professionals in Hinteregger. Although the Austrian was below his potential at the beginning of the season and was injured afterwards, things went much better for him towards the end of the first half of the season.

Hinteregger raves about Gladbach

It is not known whether the defender can imagine moving to Gladbach. However, only a few months ago Hinteregger raved about the foals, for which he already ran in the second half of the 2015/16 season.

He explained to “Sport Bild” that he had advised coach Adi Hütter to move to the Niederrhein region, because: “If you can work with Max Eberl, there are hardly any better options. Because I haven’t met many better people in the football business as Max Eberl. ” He also described the club as “very cool”.

It is unlikely that Hinteregger will already be able to enjoy running for the Gladbachers again this winter. Should they part with Matthias Ginter now, the way would be free for “Hinti”. A winter change would therefore not be ruled out, speculates “Sport1”.



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