Eiffel on Sky is the perfect film for Valentine’s Day

D.behind the construction of the Eiffel Tower there is passionate love between the engineer who designed it and a woman named Adrienne. A perfect story to see at Saint Valentine. Eiffel by Martin Bourboulon will air tonight at 9.15pm on Sky Cinema One and streaming on Now.

A romantic trip behind that monument that forever changed the skyline of Paris. We follow the design by Gustave Eiffelthe construction with many problems and the story personalimagined and rebuilt, with the noble Adrienne Bourgès.

Eiffel, the plot

Gustave Eiffel (Romain Duris) is a renowned French engineer who made the iron skeleton of the Statue of Liberty New Yorker (did you know?). He was called “the wizard of iron” and was made an honorary citizen of the United States. In 1886 he was asked to design a monument that would make Parisians dream for twenty years and that it was prestigious on the occasion of the Universal Exhibition of 1889.

Eiffel he pitied the subway more than a monument, then he gave in to the idea of give life to a symbol of a nation found raising her head after blood and tears. Behind that 300-meter tower he hides a painful and passionate love between Eiffel and a certain is Adrienne Bourgès (Ema Mackey), whom Gustave meets after 20 years, during the conception of the tower. While he draws the sketches of the iconic French symbol, his mind goes back in time to tell us about it that love.

Romain Duris in a scene from the film “Eiffel”. (Sky).

Valentine’s day, the impossible love between Eiffel and Adrienne

The film of Martin Bourboulonwritten by Caroline Bongrand, runs parallel to the fascinating construction of the Eiffel Tower and the passionate love story between the engineer and the noblewoman. And he asks us the question: would Eiffel have designed his masterpiece without that sentimental affair?

There Tower has the shape of an “A” just like the first letter of the beloved. The two meet after twenty years during a reception between ministers and men who matter: she is married and he has a daughter from a woman who is no longer there. Slowly, between flashbacksa drawing and a mounted iron beam, we know their poignant story.

The young Eiffel works as an engineer for the construction of a bridge, and on that occasion he meets Adriennethe daughter of a wealthy builder. Between the two it is love at first sight: they want to get married, have a family, but the parents prevent the marriage. There is also another secret behind it that Adrienne will reveal to Gustave only twenty years later. The two, after some time, love each other clandestinely as on the first day, the passion is unstoppable, but this time it is her husband who gets in the way of love. Antoine. The story was created by the writers’ imagination, based instead on authentic facts is the story of the construction of the Tower.

valentine film eiffel sky Romain Duris

Ema Mackey and Romain Duris. (Sky).

The complicated construction of the Eiffel tower

The film also follows the complicated construction of the Eiffel Tower. At the beginning the project is welcomed with enthusiasm, then during the construction the whole neighborhood and the Parisians rise up, the press does not support the project of Eiffel even calling it a “Devil“. The builders and the banks want to withdraw, despite this the engineer believes in his creature and risks everything and everything, even out of his own pocket.

Many were his detractors, even among the artists and intellectuals of the time, like the writers Guy de Maupassant And Alexandre Dumas which they called the monument “useless and monstrous”. There Eiffel Tower it had to be demolished twenty years after the inauguration in 1889, but its imposing structure still stands there. It has lost only its original brick red color.



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