Dutch cargo ship leaks 30,000 liters of fuel into the sea off Canadian coast

A Dutch freighter has pumped about 30,000 liters of “heavy fuel” into the water off the Canadian coast. Canada’s Coast Guard reported this on Friday to Canadian media† The fuel tank leaked during severe weather off the south coast of Newfoundland, spilling the oil into the ship’s hold. The resulting oil-water mixture was then pumped overboard.

According to local authorities, the incident is “unintentional”. The crew of the 143-meter-long MV Alaskaborg, of the Koninklijke Wagenborg from Delfzijl, immediately informed the authorities of the leak on Thursday morning. Wagenborg pledges full cooperation to measures to further limit environmental damage, according to the written statement from the Canadian Coast Guard. “We continue to work with the owner to develop an appropriate plan,” the Coast Guard statement said.

There were no injuries in the incident and the leak has since been sealed. The cargo ship, which was on its way to the port of Rotterdam, is sailing to a port east of the Canadian island of Newfoundland. Her tracks are closely watched by another ship.


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