Dune 2 begins shooting this summer

Filming of Dune 2 is expected to start in the summer of 2022, according to director Denis Villeneuve. Good news after a long period of uncertainty. Because it took some time until the production company Warner Bros. gave the green light for the continuation of “Dune”. Now, however, nothing stands in the way of the shooting of “Dune 2”, except, with a bit of bad luck, the pandemic.

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In an interview with “Empire‘ said Villeneuve about the upcoming production of ‘Dune 2’. The script is already finished and the set design is almost complete. Although the shooting is supposed to be even more challenging than that of the predecessor “Dune”, the director is optimistic about the process. “It will be a bigger challenge, but we already know what is necessary,” says Villeneuve. “It helps that the film is set in the same universe. I work with the same crew, everyone knows what to do. We know what it will look like. I am confident. Only the pandemic brings with it uncertainty.”

“In an adaptation, you have to make bold decisions to make the narrative come alive”

With the film adaptation of Frank Herbert’s book Dune, Villeneuve decided to tell the story in two films. A decision that did not resonate with all fans. Because a lot hasn’t been touched on yet. The director says: “In an adaptation, you have to make bold decisions in order for the narrative to come to life. I think I chose the best way to bring the material to a wide audience. For the second part I’m looking forward to more flexibility and it will be possible to present some details in more depth.”

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For example, by focusing on characters who played a small role in the first part. Zendaya’s character Chani will be the second protagonist of “Dune 2” alongside Timothée Chalamet’s Paul Atreides. Feyd-Rautha, who didn’t appear in the first film, will also get attention in the sequel. “The second part introduces some new characters,” says Villeneuve. “I knew early on that the first part would be primarily about Paul Atreides and the Bene Gesserit and the experience of coming into contact with a new culture. The second part is more about the Harkonnen.”

But more than anything, Villeneuve is excited to dive into the world of Arrakis once more. “I just want to experience it and be present in every single moment,” says the filmmaker. “When I make a film, I have the same approach every time. I imagine it’s the last one [den ich jemals machen werde]. It will be the same with Dune 2.”


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