Drone saves heart attack patient in Sweden

In Sweden, man suffers from heart attack while shoveling snow was saved by the intervention of a drone. The latter placed a defibrillator near the victim, thanks to which a doctor on site was able to resuscitate him. This is a first spotlight on the EMADE service (Emergency Medical Aerial Delivery) from Everdrone.

A drone places a defibrillator at the victim’s foot

As can be read in the Press release of the company, it is the first time in the history of medicine that a drone “Played a crucial role in saving a life during sudden cardiac arrest”. This unique feat in the world took place in Trollhättan, Sweden, in December 2021, when an autonomous drone developed by the company Everdrone, delivered a defibrillator who helped save the life of a 71-year-old man. Following his recovery, the patient stated that this “Technology is truly revolutionary. It must be implemented everywhere ”.

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This rescue was successful thanks to several elements. First of all, there was an immediate emergency call from Dr Mustafa Ali, present on site. Following this call, the drone was able to take off very quickly to bring a defibrillator to the doctor. Then, the actions of rescue by defibrillation could be initiated before the arrival of the ambulance and the life of the saved victim. It only happened three minutes between the alert and the arrival of the defibrillator at the scene of the incident. After the first aid measures, the patient was rushed to hospital. He is now fully recovered.

Everdrone service soon available throughout Europe

While drones can deliver Covid-19 screening kits, Everdrone’s EMADE (Emergency Medical Aerial Delivery) service is on a mission to save lives. This service was developed in collaboration with the Center for Resuscitation Science of the Karolinska Institute, SOS Alarm and the Västra Götaland region. For Mats Sällström, CEO of Everdrone, this is a “Concrete example of how the advanced technologies with which our drones are equipped, can increase the chances of survival of a victim in the event of a heart attack”.

In Europe, approximately 275,000 people die of cardiac arrest each year. According to the Swedish company, around 70% of these shutdowns occur in a private home, without a defibrillator on site. The survival rate is low: around 10%. To date, the EMADE service is not yet very developed. It can reach 200,000 Swedish residents. With this first success, the company said it was planning to extend its service to other regions in Europe, starting this year.


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