Draft resolution: far-reaching corona easing under certain conditions – 2G for retail should be dropped

my old text
Photo: David Visnjic/Andolu Agency via AFP

According to a draft resolution, there are signs of far-reaching easing in the federal-state consultations on the Corona crisis – albeit with reservations. This emerges from one of the points that, according to information from the German Press Agency, had already been agreed on Wednesday between the Prime Minister and Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD). However, the entire bill has not yet been finalized.

The three-step plan states: "In a third and final step from March 20, 2022, all more far-reaching protective measures are to be dropped if the situation in the hospitals allows it."

In a first step, contact restrictions for vaccinated and those who have recovered should be completely – "without limitation of the number of participants" – fall away. The access rule in retail only for vaccinated and recovered people (2G), which has already been abandoned in many federal states, is to be overturned nationwide. However, medical masks would have to be worn.

In a second step, from March 4th, access to the catering and hotel industry should not only be made possible for those who have been vaccinated and those who have recovered, but also for people with a negative test (3G). For major national events – including sports – the following should apply: indoors, an occupancy of up to 60 percent of the maximum capacity, a maximum of 6000 spectators; in the outdoor area up to 75 percent of the maximum capacity, a maximum of 25,000 spectators. (dpa)


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