Dozens of bus drivers go on strike at provincial government building in Assen

Dozens of bus drivers reported to the provincial government in Assen this morning. The plan was actually to campaign for a better collective labor agreement at the public transport agency, but that was banned. “We would have liked to express our concerns to the public transport agency about public transport in the province,” says driver Dirk Visser.

The drivers saw the strike as an ideal moment to visit the public transport agency, but that organization saw it differently. “The director has forbidden it. Then we applied for a permit from the municipality. We received it, but we still had to contact the credit bank that owns part of the land. And they did not allow it to stand there. .” The demonstration consists of ‘making noise’. “And we will approach politicians to express our concerns,” Visser explains.

That is why the drivers are now taking action with the province, the client of public transport in Drenthe.

It is the second day of a three-day strike by bus drivers. Despite previous work stoppages, according to the FNV trade union, a decent collective labor agreement has not been forthcoming, making it a pure necessity to strike until tomorrow for a higher wage and a lower workload.
