DOSB strives for better quarantine conditions

Zhangjiakou (dpa) – The German Olympic Sports Confederation is making intensive efforts to improve the sometimes poor conditions of its athletes who have tested positive for corona in the isolation hotels.

“It is important to us that the general conditions in the quarantine are good,” said Head of Mission Dirk Schimmelpfennig in the Olympic town of Zhangjiakou. “It is important that the three athletes have the perspective of returning to the competition and being able to continue to prepare physically for it.”

Nordic combined athlete Eric Frenzel was particularly badly hit. “Unacceptable,” said Schimmelpfennig. That’s why the DOSB is already in intensive contact with the International Olympic Committee and the organizers of the Winter Games in Beijing “to get a remedy faster”.

Frenzel is in a quarantine hotel, his teammate Terence Weber, who is also corona positive, is isolating himself in the team quarters. Improvements should also be made for figure skater Nolan Seegert, who has been in quarantine for several days. “I am convinced that we will find appropriate solutions for Eric, Terence and Nolan,” said Schimmelpfennig.

The German bobsledders and tobogganists had already complained about the unacceptable conditions in Beijing during the pre-Olympic test competitions. “We have placed this critical feedback with the IOC and requested optimization,” he explained. Schimmelpfennig attributed the fact that there were still significant problems with the quarantine accommodation to the relatively high number of corona cases, which had led to organizational difficulties with the accommodation.


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